Friday, January 7, 2011

Mindfully eating.

There is a huge problem in America, and you know what it is? Obesity. Obesity leads to other health problems, like diebeties, high blood pressure, even heart attacks. I belive that because we all live in such a fast paced world we eat and don't appreciate it. We eat while in front of the tv, while in the car, or rushing just so we can go go go go go..... Don't you think it's too much for our digestive system? We aren't even thinking about how much food we are consuming, we just keep on going.

Part of becoming minimal, means that you'll have more time to eat mindfully. When you aren't being consumed by the go go of the world. Sure we all have to be a part of it, but not all time. Put your phone away during a meal. Or yes even turn off the dang computer, and try to enjoy these moments, because we only get each one, once.

When you actually take time to prepare and eat food, it engages all your senses, and then by taking time to eat and enjoy each bite, you'll know better when your full. Plus by making your own meal, you can be sure it's healthy. I can't say that eating out is faster. Is it worth the time to be a little nicer to your body? Rather than craming some burger down your throat (mind you, that burger is so packed full of preservatives, you'd never know how long it was sitting there) that will cost you your health?

Like I said before, minimalism isn't just about getting rid of crap, it's also about getting rid of all the distractions, that aren't needed. When I have less stuff to take care of, I have less to worry about. Which means more time with my husband and kids, and more time to enjoy the things in life we were meant to.

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